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General Election: Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Check your polling location + register to vote here!

We are campaigning together because we believe that a borough's leadership should be diverse and representative of the broad experiences of those who call the community home. We need community members from all walks of life to help inform our priorities, talk to neighbors, and help us get out the vote.


Sign up below for upcoming news on events to meet the candidates, volunteer opportunities, and other ways you can help out before the primary election on Tuesday, May 18, 2021.


In the meantime, if you're in a position to give, we can always use financial support to create yard signs, door hangers, and other materials to help get the word out. Donations can be made via PayPal here or sent via check (made out to Sharpsburg for All) to 625 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215. 


Thank you for your support!

Get Involved: Get Involved

Coffee & Get Out The Vote with the Candidates
Sunday, October 24
11 am - 1 pm

Come meet the candidates of the Sharpsburg for All slate this Sunday, October 24, from 11 am - 1 pm at Redhawk Coffee!

Coffee, tea, and cocoa are on us! Swing by Redhawk's 1019 North Canal St. or 1014 Main St. entrance to meet Brittany Reno (running for Mayor) and Sarah Ishman, Kayla Portis, Carrie Tongarm, and Brad Truman (running for council), then grab a free cup at Redhawk on us.

Share your ideas for our community, pick up free yard signs for your yard, porch, or window, make a plan to vote, and support a small business with one trip! All are welcome.

Redhawk GOTVMeet the Candidates General.png
Get Involved: Image

Help us get the word out with a yard/window/porch sign!

Name recognition is critical in local elections, and we could use your help in getting the word out about who we are and what we stand for.

Thanks to your support we've been able to order signs that are now here and looking to find their new homes in the yards, porches, and windows across Sharpsburg.

Send us a message through the sign-up form below with your address to let us know that you're willing to help, and we'll get signs delivered right to your door!

Get Involved: Welcome


Thanks for your help!

Get Involved: Contact
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